By Maazi Obinna Agommuo,
Executive Director, ESGADIA.

Dear Investors/ Funders,
It’s indeed a great pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Economic Strategic Growth And Development Initiative of Africa (ESGADIA) is poised to liberating the African economy through industrial revolution. We believe that when Africa is fully industrialized, that’s when she will realize her potentials, create the much needed jobs for her younger generation and consequently grow her GDP, a GDP that’s commensurate with her population size of about 1.3 billion people. You will agree with me that the current African Nominal GDP of $2.6 Trillion is a far cry from what Africa ought to be generating. I am therefore inviting you to come partner with ESGADIA to help pull Africa from her murk and mire of poverty.
Africa is awash with tremendous Natural Resources which the rest of the world lean on for their economic growth and development. Let’s cause Africa to have an equitable share in the Global economy by helping her attain economic independence through industrialization.
We are in partnership with Bhumiworld India to build state-of-the-art, plug and play industrial Parks across Africa. We are calling on Foreign Direct Investors across the Globe to come partner with ESGADIA to set up their factories in the industrial infrastructures in any country of their choice in Africa.
We want genuine Funding Organizations to come partner with us in this mission of creating jobs, supporting Large and Small Entrepreneurs, MSMEs and SMEs in Africa.
We do not want our younger Africans which account for 60% of the African population to be jetting out in their droves to the West and East of this world in search of greener pastures whereas the “Pasture is Greener in Africa.” Come let us make Africa a Continent befitting of the Origin of Humanity and the Cradle of Civilization. Come let us make Africa the true pride place of your origin. Come let us make Africa great again.
Thank you.