Agommuo- Executor Director, Economic Strategic Growth And Development Initiative of Africa (ESGADIA).

Let me first of all submit without any fear of contradiction that the sudden sprout of the new modern day Western Religion has alienated economic growth from Africa. For those of us who are Christians, we witnessed our parents as we joined them to worship in the early missionary churches. You could feel the spirituality in their lifestyle, fear of God enveloped every Christian then, Men and Women of honor and integrity laced with high level discipline outnumbered the dishonored. Our Political class and Religious leaders then were men and women who passed the litmus test of any standard of human characteristics. In Nigeria, these people were in existence amongst us until early Nineties when suddenly the “Jesus merchants” took the center stage. And in a bid to keep the people, “their buyers” or those they refer to as their flock in check, they made sure that their members or buyers are in constant patronage of their spiritual wares. They devised all manner of programs in Churches just to ensure that members are engaged almost seven days in a week, so members now attend service on Sundays and week days. This is sure the beginning of the bane of economic growth in the continent of Africa. Africans don’t seem to know what man-hour means anymore.
Africa is the richest continent on earth in terms of Natural resources with the poorest of poor in the world. Yes, the today Religious leaders strive in the present poor condition that Africans find themselves as both the Religious and Political Leaders now see it as an avenue to manipulate the people who have lost all sense of self worth while their Religious leaders, General Overseers live in affluence, buying private jets, erecting mansions, building schools; schools that the fees their ordinarily members cannot afford for their children. These are schools built with money contributed by these same poor church members. This act is indeed wicked and heartbreaking.
Now the question I want to put forward to us as Africans is, since Africa is so blessed with rich and abundant Natural resources, what other blessing do we want from God Almighty that we bug him every day and night asking for blessing from above? Africans no doubt are been ungrateful to God by crying to Him always for blessings when He has blessed us abundantly via creation. God is indeed an African and for this purpose he wanted us to lead the world economy with what he, God deposited in Africa but we are too blind to see them and even when we see them we lack the capacity to convert the potentials to ascend the World’s leadership position. What else do we want from God? What God rather want from us Africans is to be giving him thanks always for creating us as Africans.
We Africans should know that God is not happy with us and as such he turns his back against us each time we offer the wrong prayers. Oh yes we offer the wrong prayers and sacrifices unto God. Our Religious Leaders should know that their prayers no longer move God to action as God Almighty is not a God of Mammon and cannot be mocked. God is unhappy when he sees Africans suffer from ignorance and lack of knowledge to seek the right leadership whether religious or political.
Let every African know that he or she is created to lead the world but that the new “Jesus Merchants” in collaboration with their white supremacists can never convey this message to us because when they do, Africans eyes will be open to know the truth and in no distant time, the truth will set us free and Africa will emerge the greatest economy on earth.
If they, the African Religious Leaders, General Overseers really want to help Africa grow her economy let them sell off their private jets and mansions and use the funds to establish factories where members can work and earn living rather than cause them to be coming to church service everyday in the name of worship programs. Let it be known to Africans that we are gradually building a gyp society where even the name of God is not spared by these so called religious leaders. Africans must wake up and demand from their religious leaders only that which God has commanded. The problem with Africans is that we don’t read our holy books to know that these so called religious leaders only preach that which we want to hear not that which God truly spoke against. Tithes and Offerings have become the means to prosperity and route to achieving heaven. This is a lie from the pit of hell and God will surely punish those who sell this kind of doctrine to Africans.
Most African Religious leaders aid and abet the Political class who wallow in corruption as they give the Political class some veneer of religious legality. Africans must know that these people don’t speak to God neither is God speaking through them, if is not so, why is it that Africa continue to be unsettled with all manner of crime and political unrest while all manner of churches and mosques that should redirect or change people’s mindsets, sprout like mushrooms at every nook and cranny of the continent? Africans must count their teeth with their tongue and retreat from their ways. For there’s a way that seems right unto a man but the end is destruction. We should not allow Religion to destroy us, the Religious Leaders must put those resources they got from poor member to work to build Africa’s GDP.
Africa arise and take charge!